Conference paper on visualization tool for assessment of spinal cord fMRI data quality

Check out our conference paper that was presented at the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference and published online in December 2021! This paper details our method, developed by PhD candidate Kimberly Hemmerling, for visualization of complex spinal cord fMRI data as heatmaps. This work was inspired by a visualization technique designed for brain fMRI data (Power et al., 2017). Our heatmaps can be visualized alongside motion or physiological traces that may be used to identify coincidence of signal variation. The technique may be easily integrated into a preprocessing pipeline to visualize the effect of a preprocessing step, identify spatially or temporally varying artifacts, or to assess general data quality.Check out the work here, and our GitHub repository (BrightLab-ANVIL/spinalcordplot), which contains the code and example data necessary to generate the plots.